us and everything in between.

we're Team Kirton from Residential Bible School year 2007. it consists of 7 members and 2 advisors. this team was specifically hand picked and chosen with much prayer to our Lord and Saviour by the staff of the school. each member was not placed in this group by accident but for a specific purpose and sent to Kuantan,Pahang for a mission trip.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


what happened to the post by abang eng? werent you suppose to post something?hehe.

anyhoos, jst for the sake of updating this blog and prooving that it isnt dead(hint gab), I shall attempt to update you guys on what's been going with me.
In case you havent noticed, im in UCSI, doing psychology. finally something i like. I got the interview for a teaching scholarship sponsored by the goverment but to my suprise i didnt get it. That's a good thing btw. So, i get to stick in ucsi instead of teaching. I didnt get ns. A double woohoo.

There is something odd about all this. If my memory serves me well, God seemed to be pushing me down roads i disliked in the past. Not to say that im angry at God or He is a party-pooper. He isnt, it's jst that the more i disliked something, the more it came my way but I knew well enough that no matter how extremely hateful i was towards it, things would turn out in the end. Anyway, back to the point. Things arent actually going the way i presumed it would go down. I disliked teaching and ns to the very tinniest lil bit and i didnt get any of those.
Makes me wonder what plan God has installed for me. hmmmm....