us and everything in between.

we're Team Kirton from Residential Bible School year 2007. it consists of 7 members and 2 advisors. this team was specifically hand picked and chosen with much prayer to our Lord and Saviour by the staff of the school. each member was not placed in this group by accident but for a specific purpose and sent to Kuantan,Pahang for a mission trip.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Finally a post from me...even though I believe nobody checks this blog anymore...

I'll just share something I pondered upon. I've written this in my blog as well.

A man walks into the restaurant. He comes to your table and ask for a few of your loose cash. you obviously have the urge to reach into your wallet to give the poor man a RM1. But then it strikes you..."what if it's a scam?". And you quickly wave your hand in a gesture to shoo him away.

What do you do? I thought about this and came up with this...

If I did give, and it is a scam to steal money, wouldn't I be guilty of supporting a scam (an unchristian act).

If I didn't give, and it soooo turns out that the man is REALLY poor, then, wouldn't I be guilty of not helping the needy and not obeying God's commandments to help the poor.

And the most obvious of all,
If I gave, and the man is really poor, then, I would have obeyed God in helping the needy.

Omitting the third "If I...", what would you do...?